Meet the team



Monika is responsible for selecting and editing images, as well as taking very good care of those precious prints. She also acts as a photographer and a creative colleague. She takes customer service very seriously, as she shares our idea, that the whole reason of our job is to make all of our clients happy, and give them exactly what they expect from us, and more. 

When she is not at work, she tends to spend her time with hiking in the great outdoors. 


Matyas adores still and motion picture, so he does both photography and videography. He is responsible for creative projects, photos, videos, editing and business management. It is essential for him to always exceed our client’s expectations and to always deliver immaculate services and products.
Just like our business he always place client’s happiness first.

He loves hiking and when he is not on a wedding, it is most likely, that you will find him out in nature.